“I had to nearly die to figure this out”

How A Near-Fatal Car Crash Led This Madman Biohacker To Discover A Fast-Acting Fix To Insomnia

Former Insomniac Creates Dead-Simple Biohacking Method That Is Turning Insomniacs Into Deep Sleepers Without Sleep Pills Or Exhausting Night Routines.

By Alexander Reed

Most sleeping advice is making your insomnia worse!

In fact, those "proven sleep tips" and prescription medications are not just failing you.

But they could be reprogramming your brain to stay awake for long, miserable hours every single night….

And inside this highly controversial presentation...

I’ll explain the EXACT reasons why most sleeping advice fails your brain at an evolutionary level…

And most importantly… 

I'll reveal a proven, easy-to-implement biohacking method… 

That you can start doing pretty much immediately…

Without any expensive gadgets, sleeping pills, or exhausting night routines…

That could fix your insomnia and help you achieve the deep, reliable sleep you’ve been missing… fast.

How 347 Sleep Deprived Individuals Are Using This Weird "Sleep Switch" Method To Sleep Like Babies

The surprising part? It has nothing to do with sleeping pills or special "night routines"

See the step-by-step process.

And I know that’s a big promise.

But this is something that is already being used by former insomniacs across the world…

To transform virtually every aspect of their sleep quality…

Even if they have been suffering from insomnia for 2 years… 5 years… Or even 10 years…

In fact, hundreds of former insomniacs have used the simple, actionable biohacking techniques inside this report…

Biohacker Reveals Unusual Sleep Trick That Can Make You Fall Asleep Quickly

"Most people get this completely wrong," he explains. "The real solution is much simpler..."

See the full explanation...

“I had to nearly die to figure this out”

How A Near-Fatal Car Crash Led This Madman Biohacker To Discover A Fast-Acting Fix To Insomnia

Former Insomniac Creates Dead-Simple Biohacking Method That Is Turning Insomniacs Into Deep Sleepers Without Sleep Pills Or Exhausting Night Routines.

By Alexander Reed

Most sleeping advice is making your insomnia worse!

In fact, those "proven sleep tips" and prescription medications are not just failing you.

But they could be reprogramming your brain to stay awake for long, miserable hours every single night….

And inside this highly controversial presentation, 

I’ll explain the EXACT reasons why most sleeping advice fails your brain at an evolutionary level…

And most importantly… 

I'll reveal a proven, easy-to-implement biohacking method… 

That you can start doing pretty much immediately…

Without any expensive gadgets, sleeping pills, or exhausting night routines…

That could fix your insomnia and help you achieve the deep, reliable sleep you’ve been missing… fast.

And I know that’s a big promise.

But this is something that is already being used by former insomniacs across the world…

To transform virtually every aspect of their sleep quality…

Even if they have been suffering from insomnia for 2 years… 5 years… Or even 10 years…

In fact, hundreds of former insomniacs have used the simple, actionable biohacking techniques inside this report...

And they've been amazed to find out they…

Have noticeably more energy throughout the day - And are able to stay focused at work for long periods of time…

No longer live in a constant state of brain fog - Having an easier time concentrating and remembering important things…

Feel calm and patient again… with feeling guilty after snapping at their loved ones because of pure exhaustion no longer being a “thing”...

Think with crystal clarity again - And can make the right decisions in a split-second, rather than struggling to follow simple conversations…

Can fall asleep quickly after hitting the bed — With most of the extremely anxious nights full of overthinking virtually disappearing. 

And they’ve been amazed to find out they…

Have noticeably more energy throughout the day - And are able to stay focused at work for long periods of time...

No longer live in a constant state of brain fog - Having an easier time concentrating and remembering important things…

Feel calm and patient again… with feeling guilty after snapping at their loved ones because of pure exhaustion no longer being a “thing”...

Think with crystal clarity again - And can make the right decisions in a split-second, rather than struggling to follow simple conversations…

Can fall asleep quickly after hitting the bed — With most of the extremely

anxious nights full of overthinking virtually disappearing. 

And while all these incredible changes may seem hard to believe at first…

These results barely scratch the surface of what this biohacking strategy can do for

your insomnia.

And while all these incredible changes may seem hard to believe at first…

These results barely scratch the surface of what this biohacking strategy can do for

your insomnia.

"Lidia D."

“My husband can't believe the difference”

"Hey Alex. I was honestly your biggest skeptic (I've literally tried EVERYTHING under the sun - every pill, tea, and stupid sleep app out there). But after a week of actually following what you taught me? I slept through the night for the first time in MONTHS. My husband can't believe the difference. Thank you so much for this!"

"Michelle R."

“I feel like myself again”

"I can't even explain how grateful I am right now. Before finding your method, I used to absolutely dread bedtime. Just knowing I'd be lying there miserable for hours... God, it was awful. Made me feel like I'd never have a normal life again. But this worked crazy fast - like, within days I was falling asleep naturally and actually STAYING asleep! I feel like myself again."

"Terry P."

“My constant brain fog was killing me"

"I thought I was going crazy. I kept spacing out during conversations all the time, and doing mental tasks like simple math or remembering what I was reading felt impossible. The constant brain fog was killing me. Made me feel really self-conscious. But after doing what you recommended, my sleep has gotten 10X better. I’m not entirely there yet, but I feel like a totally different person."

These are some of the dozens of stories I hear every month from people just like you,

Former insomniacs who have used the simple strategies I’m about to reveal…

To quickly transform their sleep… and their lives.

Keep reading below to see exactly what this biohacking method is, why it works…

And how you can start using it to radically improve your sleep quality starting tonight.

"Lidia D."

“My husband can't believe the difference”

"Hey Alex. I was honestly your biggest skeptic (I've literally tried EVERYTHING under the sun - every pill, tea, and stupid sleep app out there). But after a week of actually following what you taught me? I slept through the night for the first time in MONTHS. My husband can't believe the difference. Thank you so much for this!"

"Michelle R."

“I feel like myself again”

"I can't even explain how grateful I am right now. Before finding your method, I used to absolutely dread bedtime. Just knowing I'd be lying there miserable for hours... God, it was awful. Made me feel like I'd never have a normal life again. But this worked crazy fast - like, within days I was falling asleep naturally and actually STAYING asleep! I feel like myself again."

"Terry P."

"My constant brain fog was killing me"

"I thought I was going crazy. I kept spacing out during conversations all the time, and doing mental tasks like simple math or remembering what I was reading felt impossible. The constant brain fog was killing me. Made me feel really self-conscious. But after doing what you recommended, my sleep has gotten 10X better. I’m not entirely there yet, but I feel like a totally different person."

These are some of the dozens of stories I hear every month from people just like you,

Former insomniacs who have used the simple strategies I’m about to reveal…

To quickly transform their sleep… and their lives.

Keep reading below to see exactly what this biohacking method is, why it works…

And how you can start using it to radically improve your sleep quality starting tonight.

It All Started When I Almost Died During A Car Crash...

The empty highway stretched ahead as I fought to keep my eyes open.

I was exhausted after a full day's work on just 3 and a half hours of sleep...

I was driving home, but then...

...Everything went black for just a second.

Then next thing I remember was the loud crash of metal against tree, 

The taste of blood in my mouth,

And the terrifying realization that my insomnia had nearly killed me.

Three broken ribs and a concussion later, something finally clicked.

All the "solutions" I'd been trying…

  • The prescription drugs that left me feeling like a zombie...

  • Not drinking coffee...

  • Avoiding screens like the plague at night...

  • Drinking herbal teas...

  • The 2-minute military sleep techniques...

  • And even counting sheep...

None of it worked because they all missed the REAL problem.

Something deeper was broken in my brain's sleep mechanism 

Which none of these band-aid solutions could fix.

I Didn't Find A Solution To My Insomnia Until I Stumbled On A Little-Known Harvard Study About The Brain...

And what I discovered changed my life forever...

So please read very carefully.

It All Started When I Almost Died During A Car Crash...

The empty highway stretched ahead as I fought to keep my eyes open.

I was exhausted after a full day's work on just 3 and a half hours of sleep...

I was driving home, but then...

...Everything went black for just a second.

Then next thing I remember was the loud crash of metal against tree, 

The taste of blood in my mouth,

And the terrifying realization that my insomnia had nearly killed me.

Three broken ribs and a concussion later, something finally clicked.

All the "solutions" I'd been trying…

  • The prescription drugs that left me feeling like a zombie...

  • Not drinking coffee...

  • Avoiding screens like the plague at night...

  • Drinking herbal teas...

  • The 2-minute military sleep techniques...

  • And even counting sheep...

None of it worked because they all missed the REAL problem.

Something deeper was broken in my brain's sleep mechanism 

Which none of these band-aid solutions could fix.


I Didn't Find A Solution To My Insomnia Until I Stumbled On A Little-Known Harvard Study About The Brain...

And what I discovered changed my life forever...

So please read very carefully.

The Shocking Discovery That Fixed My Severe Insomnia...

What I'm about to say might surprise you...

But until recently, nobody knew the real reason behind insomnia...

Most experts thought it was just stress. Anxiety. Bad habits.

But a recent breakthrough discovery by doctors at Harvard University revealed something unexpected…

You see, everyone knows about your circadian rhythm - that internal clock that's supposed to make you sleepy at night...

But these researchers uncovered something far more fundamental:

A hidden biological process that controls your circadian rhythm itself...1

Like a "master switch" behind the scenes, deciding whether your sleep clock works... or fails completely.

And, as you’re about to see…

When this process goes haywire…

Your brain starts rewiring itself to fight sleep.

So What Is This “Master Sleep Switch”?

It has to do with something called the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)2...

And while you may not have heard that term before...

This tiny cluster of neurons in your brain controls your entire sleep-wake system.3

The way it works...

Is that throughout the day and night...

This master switch coordinates thousands of specialized “sleep neurons” throughout your brain...

Telling them exactly when to fire and when to stay quiet.

In other words...

Your SCN acts like your brain's sleep conductor, orchestrating when you feel alert or sleepy...4

And when this conductor gets confused...

It can start sending incorrect signals to your sleep neurons…

Making it impossible for them to fire at the right time...

or even, sometimes, to fire at all.

It's For This Reason That The SCN Is Such An Important Discovery...

Because scientists have realized that by looking at how well this master switch functions...

They can predict with stunning accuracy why some people drift off the moment their head hits the pillow...

While others lie awake until 3 AM, wondering why their brain won't shut off...

And while you might think it's a stretch to blame your sleepless nights on this tiny cluster of neurons...

It's actually become one of the hottest areas in modern sleep research.

For example, in recent studies...

When researchers at Clinical Neuroscience analyzed the brain of chronic insomniacs...

They discovered that while things like stress levels or bedtime routines weren't reliable predictors of sleep quality...

The single biggest factor was how well their SCN was functioning.5

It makes sense...

The Shocking Discovery That Fixed My Severe Insomnia...

What I'm about to say might surprise you...

But until recently, nobody knew the real reason behind insomnia...

Most experts thought it was just stress. Anxiety. Bad habits.

But a recent breakthrough discovery by doctors at Harvard University revealed something unexpected…

You see, everyone knows about your circadian rhythm - that internal clock that's supposed to make you sleepy at night...

But these researchers uncovered something far more fundamental:

A hidden biological process that controls your circadian rhythm itself...1

Like a "master switch" behind the scenes, deciding whether your sleep clock works... or fails completely.

And, as you’re about to see…

When this process goes haywire…

Your brain starts rewiring itself to fight sleep.

So What Is This “Master Sleep Switch”?

It has to do with something called the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)2...

And while you may not have heard that term before...

This tiny cluster of neurons in your brain controls your entire sleep-wake system.3

The way it works...

Is that throughout the day and night...

This master switch coordinates thousands of specialized “sleep neurons” throughout your brain...

Telling them exactly when to fire and when to stay quiet.

In other words...

Your SCN acts like your brain's sleep conductor, orchestrating when you feel alert or sleepy...4

And when this conductor gets confused...

It can start sending incorrect signals to your sleep neurons…

Making it impossible for them to fire at the right time...

or even, sometimes, to fire at all.

It's For This Reason That The SCN Is Such An Important Discovery...

Because scientists have realized that by looking at how well this master switch functions...

They can predict with stunning accuracy why some people drift off the moment their head hits the pillow...

While others lie awake until 3 AM, wondering why their brain won't shut off...

For example, in recent studies...

When researchers at Clinical Neuroscience analyzed the brain of chronic insomniacs...

They discovered that while things like stress levels or bedtime routines weren't reliable predictors of sleep quality...

The single biggest factor was how well their SCN was functioning.5

It makes sense...

Because remember what the SCN does:

Throughout day and night, it sends precise signals to sleep neurons across your brain...

And when these signals get scrambled:

Your sleep drive, hormone production, body temperature - none of these vital sleep processes work like they should...

Which can lock your brain in a state of permanent alertness.

And THAT is why your mind races like a Formula 1 car the moment your head hits the pillow…

Because remember what the SCN does:

Throughout day and night, it sends precise signals to sleep neurons across your brain...

And when these signals get scrambled:

Your sleep drive, hormone production, body temperature - none of these vital sleep processes work like they should...

Which can lock your brain in a state of permanent alertness.

And THAT is why your mind races like a Formula 1 car the moment your head hits the pillow…

Your SCN is why you toss and turn at 2 AM.

 Your SCN is why your heart comes off your chest in bed.

Your SCN is why you can’t sleep even if you’re completely exhausted.

And what's even more frustrating?

The longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to escape this cycle.

Your brain gets stuck in "always on" mode...

Like a computer that's forgotten how to shut down.

Each sleepless night makes the next one worse...

Until insomnia becomes your new normal.

Your SCN is why you toss and turn at 2 AM.

 Your SCN is why your heart comes off your chest at night.

Your SCN is why you can’t sleep even if you’re completely exhausted.

And what's even more frustrating?

The longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to escape this cycle.

Your brain gets stuck in "always on" mode...

Like a computer that's forgotten how to shut down.

Each sleepless night makes the next one worse...

Until insomnia becomes your new normal.

By This Point, You Know That The Most Likely Culprit Of Your Sleepless Nights Is Your SNC…

So how do you reset this “master sleep switch”?

Unfortunately, most sleep advice misses how your SNC actually functions...

And in some specific cases…

The mainstream advice could be making your insomnia WORSE.

For example, in a recent Italian study…

They found out that most prescription medication used to “treat” insomnia…

Can deeply interfere with your REM and deep sleep stages... 6

Which means the vital processes that flush out brain toxins and repair your mind are being blocked...

Leaving you with that all-too-familiar "medicated zombie" feeling the next day…7

Melatonin pills are not any better either… 

Because while 57% of people report taking melatonin to fall asleep faster…8

These pills are a huge trap! And here's why...

You see, melatonin is a hormone released by your pineal gland.

And when you take melatonin pills… Which often contain 10 TIMES the dose your brain needs...

The delicate receptors in your brain get “fried” by these mega doses...9

Making you less responsive to both natural AND supplemental melatonin over time…

Creating a vicious cycle that makes natural sleep even HARDER to achieve.

And things like meditation, herbal teas, or relaxation techniques aren't the answer


Sure, they might help you feel calmer...

But they're completely missing the root cause of your insomnia:

Your disrupted sleep switch.

These methods are all trying to force your brain into sleep mode...

While completely ignoring the biological switch that controls sleep in the first place.

So how in the world are you supposed to sleep like a “normal” person?

By This Point, You Know That The Most Likely Culprit Of Your Sleepless Nights Is Your SNC…

So how do you reset this “master sleep switch”?

Unfortunately, most sleep advice misses how your SNC actually functions...

And in some specific cases…

The mainstream advice could be making your insomnia WORSE.

For example, in a recent Italian study…

They found out that most prescription medication used to “treat” insomnia…

Can deeply interfere with your REM and deep sleep stages... 6

Which means the vital processes that flush out brain toxins and repair your mind are being blocked...

Leaving you with that all-too-familiar "medicated zombie" feeling the next day…7

Melatonin pills are not any better either… 

Because while 57% of people report taking melatonin to fall asleep faster…8

These pills are a huge trap! And here's why...

You see, melatonin is a hormone released by your pineal gland.

And when you take melatonin pills… Which often contain 10 TIMES the dose your brain needs...

The delicate receptors in your brain get “fried” by these mega doses...9

Making you less responsive to both natural AND supplemental melatonin over time…

Creating a vicious cycle that makes natural sleep even HARDER to achieve.

And things like meditation, herbal teas, or relaxation techniques aren't the answer


Sure, they might help you feel calmer...

But they're completely missing the root cause of your insomnia:

Your disrupted sleep switch.

These methods are all trying to force your brain into sleep mode...

While completely ignoring the biological switch that controls sleep in the first place.

So how in the world are you supposed to sleep like a “normal” person?

The Key Lies In Something Scientists Call “Evolutionary Sleep Patterns”...

This is the natural sequence of environmental signals your SCN was designed to respond to11...

Which means that when these patterns are properly restored…

Your master sleep switch begins working properly... 

Your sleep neurons start firing correctly again... 

And your entire sleep system returns to its natural state.

In other words?

Your brain finally remembers how to sleep again.

The Key Lies In Something Scientists Call “Evolutionary Sleep Patterns”...

This is the natural sequence of environmental signals your SCN was designed to respond to11...

Which means that when these patterns are properly restored…

Your sleep switch begins working properly... 

Your sleep neurons start firing correctly again... 

And your entire sleep system returns to its natural state.

In other words?

Your brain finally remembers how to sleep again.

When These Evolutionary Patterns Are Properly Restored, You Will Find That:

  • Your mind finally quiets down at bedtime.

  • You drift off naturally within minutes.

  • You sleep like a rock throughout the night.

  • You wake up full of energy.

  • You forget you even had insomnia in the first place.

When These Evolutionary Patterns Are Properly Restored, You Will Find That:

  • Your mind finally quiets down at bedtime.

  • You drift off naturally within minutes.

  • You sleep like a rock throughout the night.

  • You wake up full of energy.

  • You forget you even had insomnia in the first place.

In The Past, These Crucial Patterns Happened Automatically...

But today? Our modern world has SHATTERED these natural patterns…

With devices blasting blue light, making our melatonin production crash…

Alarms yanking us awake at 6 AM… while our body screams for rest…

Emails, deadlines, and other responsibilities keeping our minds racing at 3 AM…

Now, we could "fix" this by living like a caveman in the woods…

No phones, no lights, and no responsibilities… 

…But that is not realistic at all. 

You need a solution that works WITH your 21st-century reality, not against it.

In The Past, These Crucial Patterns Happened Automatically...

But today? Our modern world has SHATTERED these natural patterns…

With devices blasting blue light, making our melatonin production crash…

Alarms yanking us awake at 6 AM… while our body screams for rest…

Emails, deadlines, and other responsibilities keeping our minds racing at 3 AM…

Now, we could "fix" this by living like a caveman in the woods…

No phones, no lights, and no responsibilities… 

…But that is not realistic at all. 

You need a solution that works WITH your 21st-century reality, not against it.

Which Is EXACTLY What My Unique Strategy Is All About…

A biohacking protocol that restores your SCN's natural ability to sleep...

By automatically triggering those crucial "evolutionary sleep patterns"...

Without forcing you to disconnect from modern life.

These powerful biohacking strategies:

  • Are fast and easy to implement

  • Target your brain's sleep switch with laser precision

  • Adapt to your schedule (even if it changes daily)

  • Work without expensive sleep gadgets or tracking apps

  • Run mostly on autopilot after the initial setup

This isn't another "no screens after 7 PM" lecture...

Or some militant sleep regime that turns you into a bedtime maniac...

Instead, you'll get simple, strategic systems...

That work directly with your SCN to activate your sleep neurons at EXACTLY the

right time...

Finally eliminating insomnia at its source - no willpower required.

Which Is EXACTLY What My Unique Strategy Is All About…

A biohacking protocol that restores your SCN's natural ability to sleep...

By automatically triggering those crucial "evolutionary sleep patterns"...

Without forcing you to disconnect from modern life.

These powerful biohacking strategies:

  • Are fast and easy to implement

  • Target your brain's sleep switch with laser precision

  • Adapt to your schedule (even if it changes daily)

  • Work without expensive sleep gadgets or tracking apps

  • Run mostly on autopilot after the initial setup

This isn't another "no screens after 7 PM" lecture...

Or some militant sleep regime that turns you into a bedtime maniac...

Instead, you'll get simple, strategic systems...

That work directly with your SCN to activate your sleep neurons at EXACTLY the

right time...

Finally eliminating insomnia at its source - no willpower required.

Introducing: The Biohacker’s Playbook To Beat Insomnia… FAST

This is the ONLY protocol that “revives” your SCN…

Unlocking your natural ability to get deep, restorative rest every single night…

Without any type of rigid routines or bogus sleep gadgets…

 In fact, I built this with ONE iron-clad rule:

 If it isn't dead simple AND incredibly effective, is NOT in there.

And I am SO excited to share this with you today…

Because since making this breakthrough protocol available to the public…

It has been revolutionizing and transforming the sleep of hundreds of insomniacs

across the world…

Introducing: The Biohacker’s Playbook To Beat Insomnia… FAST

This is the ONLY protocol that “revives” your SCN…

Unlocking your natural ability to get deep, restorative rest every single night…

Without any type of rigid routines or bogus sleep gadgets…

In fact, I built this with ONE iron-clad rule:

 If it isn't dead simple AND wildly effective, is NOT in there.

And I am SO excited to share this with you today…

Because since making this breakthrough protocol available to the public…

It has been revolutionizing and transforming the sleep of hundreds of insomniacs

across the world…

"My performance at work completely transformed"

"I used to zone out during important meetings and forget crucial details because of constant sleep deprivation. My career was suffering, and I was scared of losing my job. Since finding this method, my mind is sharp again. I'm back to leading presentations confidently and even got promoted last month. It's incredible what good sleep can do for your brain."

- Rachel K., Sales Executive

"This Actually Works With Real Life"

"As a mom of three, I thought good sleep was impossible. I used to snap at my kids constantly because I was so exhausted. But this approach changed everything. Now I fall asleep easily, stay asleep all night, and finally have energy to be present with my family. Last week my 8-year-old said, 'Mom, you're not grumpy anymore!' That moment alone was worth everything."

- Jennifer R., Mother of Three

"This Method Was Nothing Like I Have Tried Before"

"Working in finance, I couldn't afford to be foggy-headed. After years of expensive gadgets and sleep therapy, I was still making costly mistakes and missing crucial details in meetings. This method was completely different. Within days, I wasn't dreading bedtime. Within weeks, I was sleeping better than I had in 20 years. Now I'm sharp, focused, and actually enjoying life again."

- Michael K., Investment Banker

"My performance at work completely transformed"

"I used to zone out during important meetings and forget crucial details because of constant sleep deprivation. My career was suffering, and I was scared of losing my job. Since finding this method, my mind is sharp again. I'm back to leading presentations confidently and even got promoted last month. It's incredible what good sleep can do for your brain."

- Rachel K., Sales Executive

"This Actually Works With Real Life"

"As a mom of three, I thought good sleep was impossible. I used to snap at my kids constantly because I was so exhausted. But this approach changed everything. Now I fall asleep easily, stay asleep all night, and finally have energy to be present with my family. Last week my 8-year-old said, 'Mom, you're not grumpy anymore!' That moment alone was worth everything."

- Jennifer R., Mother of Three

"This Method Was Nothing Like I Have Tried Before"

"Working in finance, I couldn't afford to be foggy-headed. After years of expensive gadgets and sleep therapy, I was still making costly mistakes and missing crucial details in meetings. This method was completely different. Within days, I wasn't dreading bedtime. Within weeks, I was sleeping better than I had in 20 years. Now I'm sharp, focused, and actually enjoying life again."

- Michael K., Investment Banker

Inside The Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia, You'll Discover...

  • How to repair your broken sleep switch so you can fall asleep faster, sleep all night, and wake up with energy (Without sleep pills or dumb routines)

  • Why trying to “relax” never works (And what does instead)

  • How your bedroom is secretly destroying your sleep switch (And the 3-step process to correct it)

  • Two no-BS techniques to lower your anxiety in less than 10 minutes so you can sleep like a baby. 

  • The BIGGEST mistake insomniacs make that pumps adrenaline through their veins when trying to sleep (Even if it’s 2 AM)

  • How one specific tweak to your dinner can 2.4X your sleep hormone production (Without changing ANYTHING about your grocery list)

  • The 2 sneaky systems running your sleep (And why not having them in sync is causing your sleep switch to be disrupted)

  • How to eliminate morning grogginess with a simple 2-minute ritual.

    And much, much more…

Inside The Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia, You'll Discover...

  • How to repair your broken sleep switch so you can fall asleep faster, sleep all night, and wake up with energy (Without sleep pills or dumb routines)

  • Why trying to “relax” never works (And what does instead)

  • How your bedroom is secretly destroying your sleep switch (And the 3-step process to correct it)

  • Two no-BS techniques to lower your anxiety in less than 10 minutes so you can sleep like a baby. 

  • The BIGGEST mistake insomniacs make that pumps adrenaline through their veins when trying to sleep (Even if it’s 2 AM)

  • How one specific tweak to your dinner can 2.4X your sleep hormone production (Without changing ANYTHING about your grocery list)

  • The 2 sneaky systems running your sleep (And why not having them in sync is causing your sleep switch to be disrupted)

  • How to eliminate morning grogginess with a simple 2-minute ritual.

    And much, much more…

Everything Included In This Playbook Is More

Than Enough To End Your Nightmare Of

Sleepless Nights…

With that being said… I wanted to sweeten this pot even more.

So I’m Including 3 Fast-Action Bonuses, Only Available For A Limited Time And On This Very Page…


The "Perfect Sleep" Cheatsheet (Regular Price: $27 - Yours FREE)

This simple roadmap takes all the guesswork out of fixing your sleep — so you can start sleeping better tonight, not weeks from now.

Inside your instant-access cheatsheet, you'll discover:

  • The"Perfect Bedroom Audit"— How to create a sleep sanctuary in 30 minutes. Just follow the exact steps and watch your sleep improve night after night.

  • The "Perfect Sleep" Daily Protocol— Your step-by-step blueprint for maintaining perfect sleep habits without thinking about it.

  • The "No-BS Sleep Buying Guide" — This list shows you exactly what to get (and what to skip) to improve your sleep. This alone can save you thousands of dollars on unnecessary products.

    Whether you want to fix everything at once or take small steps — this cheatsheet makes it virtually impossible to fail. 


"The Short On Time" Sleep Guide (Regular Price: $47 - Yours FREE)

You'll learn how to enjoy restful, restorative sleep, even if you don't have 8 hours available.

Inside, I explain the secret protocols Navy SEALs use to function in just 6, 4, or even 2 hours of sleep...

...And how you can slash your sleep requirements in half without sacrificing energy or mental clarity.

PLUS, the costly mistakes most people make when trying these techniques and EXACTLY how to avoid them...

So you can use the life-changing insights without sacrificing your health.

This guide is perfect for busy profesionals, new parents or anyone that wants more hours in their day.


FREE BONUS #3: The Sleep Optimization Masterclass

(Regular Price: $97 - Yours FREE)

Warning: This isn't basic sleep advice.

These are the advanced techniques top performers are using right now...

To transform good sleep into peak performance sleep.

Just ONE of these techniques can change how you sleep forever.

You'll learn how one simple bedroom tweak triggers maximum deep sleep...

How to make ANY sleep schedule work (even if yours is too chaotic)...

And the only THREE numbers you need to track for optimal sleep.

This guide is your shortcut to elite-level sleep.

Everything Included In This Playbook Is More

Than Enough To End Your Nightmare Of

Sleepless Nights…

With that being said… I wanted to sweeten this pot even more.

So I’m Including 3 Fast-Action Bonuses, Only Available For A Limited Time And On This Very Page…


The "Perfect Sleep" Cheatsheet

(Regular Price: $27 - Yours FREE)

This simple roadmap takes all the guesswork out of fixing your sleep — so you can start sleeping better tonight, not weeks from now.

Inside your instant-access cheatsheet, you'll discover:

  • The"Perfect Bedroom Audit"— How to create a sleep sanctuary in 30 minutes. Just follow the exact steps and watch your sleep improve night after night.

  • The "Perfect Sleep" Daily Protocol— Your step-by-step blueprint for maintaining perfect sleep habits without thinking about it.

  • The "No-BS Buying Guide" — This list shows you exactly what to get (and what to skip) to improve your sleep. This alone can save you THOUSANDS on unnecesary products.

Whether you want to fix everything at once or take small steps — this cheatsheet makes it virtually impossible to fail. 


The "Short-On-Time" Sleep Guide

(Regular Price: $47 - Yours FREE)

You'll learn how to enjoy restful, restorative sleep, even if you don't have 8 hours available.

Inside, I explain the secret protocols Navy SEALs use to function in just 6, 4, or even 2 hours of sleep...

...And how you can slash your sleep requirements in half without sacrificing energy or mental clarity.

PLUS, the costly mistakes most people make when trying these techniques and EXACTLY how to avoid them...

So you can use the life-changing insights without sacrificing your health.

This guide is perfect for busy profesionals, new parents or anyone that wants more hours in their day.


FREE BONUS #3: The Sleep Optimization Masterclass

(Regular Price: $97 - Yours FREE)

Warning: This isn't basic sleep advice.

These are the advanced techniques top performers are using right now...

To transform good sleep into peak performance sleep.

Just ONE of these techniques can change how you sleep forever.

You'll learn how one simple bedroom tweak triggers your deep sleep to the max...

How to make ANY sleep schedule work (even if yours is too chaotic)...

And the only THREE numbers you need to track for optimal sleep.

This guide is your shortcut to elite-level sleep.


You're getting the complete Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia - the same system that's already helped hundreds of former insomniacs:

  • Fall asleep within minutes instead of hours

  • Wake up actually feeling refreshed (not groggy and exhausted)

  • Stay sharp and focused all day long

  • Finally feel like themselves again

Plus, I'm including three powerful tools FOR FREE to accelerate your transformation:

→ The "Perfect Sleep" Cheatsheet (Normally $27)

→ The "Short-On-Time" Sleep Guide (Normally $47)

→ The Sleep Optimization Masterclass (Normally $97)

Now, originally the price for this complete system was set at $267 ($97 for the Playbook + $170 in bonuses)...

Which is already a steal considering sleep robs the average insomniac of $1,238.32 every year — according to a recent study published by RAND...13

But since I suffered from sleep problems myself...

And not only was I miserable, but almost DIED because of it...

I'm on a mission to help as much people as I possibly can with this system.

So today, and only on this very page, you can get everything for just $37.

That's less than the cost of a single bottle of sleeping pills - for a complete system that could transform your sleep forever.

But I understand if you're still hesitant.

Which is Why I'm Backing This Up With A 60-Day "Sleeping Black Belt" Guarantee

Here’s how it works… 

If within 60 days you aren't falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and waking up with more energy after implementing this system...

Just send us a quick email at [email protected] and you’ll get 100% of your money back. 

That means that you have absolutely nothing to lose - and a whole new life to gain. 

Plus the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy effortless, predictable sleep and reclaim your lost energy, patience, and mental clarity. 

Isn’t it time you take back everything insomnia has taken from you? 

Total Value: $267

Your Investment today:

$267.00 Just $37

My 60-Day "Sleeping Black Belt" Guarantee

If you don't see radical improvements to your sleep quality, or if you don't absolutely love it for any reason after 60 days - send one quick email to [email protected] and you'll get every penny back.

Regular Price: $267.00 - Save $237 Today And Get Instant Access For Only $37!


You're getting the complete Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia - the same system that's already helped hundreds of former insomniacs:

  • Fall asleep within minutes instead of hours

  • Wake up actually feeling refreshed (not groggy and exhausted)

  • Stay sharp and focused all day long

  • Finally feel like themselves again

Plus, I'm including three powerful tools FOR FREE to accelerate your transformation:

→ The "Perfect Sleep" Cheatsheet (Normally $27)

→ The "Short-On-Time" Sleep Guide (Normally $47)

→ The Sleep Optimization Masterclass (Normally $97)

Now, originally the price for this complete system was set at $267 ($97 for the Playbook + $170 in bonuses)...

Which is already a steal considering sleep robs the average insomniac of $1,238.32 every year — according to a recent study published by RAND...13

But since I suffered from sleep problems myself...

And not only was I miserable, but almost DIED because of it...

I'm on a mission to help as much people as I possibly can with this system.

So today, and only on this very page, you can get everything for just $37.

That's less than the cost of a single bottle of sleeping pills - for a complete system that could transform your sleep forever.

But I understand if you're still hesitant.

Which Is Why I'm Backing This Up With A 60-Day "Sleeping Black Belt" Guarantee

Here’s how it works… 

If within 60 days you aren't falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and waking up with more energy after implementing this system...

Just send us a quick email at [email protected] and you’ll get 100% of your money back. 

That means that you have absolutely nothing to lose - and a whole new life to gain. 

Plus the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy effortless, predictable sleep and reclaim your lost energy, patience and mental clarity. 

Isn’t it time you take back everything insomnia has taken from you? 

Total Value: $267

Your Investment today:

$267.00 Just $37

My 60-Day "Sleeping Black Belt" Guarantee

If you don't see radical improvements to your sleep quality, or if you don't absolutely love it for any reason after 60 days - send one quick email to [email protected] and you'll get every penny back.

Regular Price: $267.00 - Save $230 Today And Get Instant Access For Only $37!

Frequently Asked Questions About The Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia

Q: When do I get access to everything?

 The moment you complete your order, you'll get instant access to the complete Biohacker's Playbook and all three powerful bonuses sent into your inbox.

Q: How quickly will this work for me? 

Many people start sleeping better the first few nights after implementing the basic protocols. But the real magic happens as you build the complete sleep system. Most people experience dramatic improvements within the first week, with sleep getting consistently better over the next 30 days as their brain's sleep switch (SCN) fully resets.

With that being said, this protocol is NOT a substitute for medical advice.

Q: How is this different from other sleep solutions? 

While most solutions try to force sleep with rigid routines or supplements, The Biohacker's Playbook works with your brain's natural sleep mechanism. Instead of fighting your biology, you'll be working with it. No more trying to knock yourself out - just natural, effortless sleep the way your body was designed to do it.

Q: I've tried everything else. Why would this work?

Unlike temporary fixes that just mask the problem, this system targets the root cause of insomnia: your disrupted sleep switch (SCN). We're not trying to sedate you - we're resetting your brain's natural ability to sleep. If you can follow simple instructions, this system will work for you.

Q: I have sleep apnea. Will this work for me?

This protocol is designed to tackle the root cause of insomnia, the SCN, so it works for all kinds of people with all types of conditions. 

With that being said, this protocol is NOT designed to treat sleep apnea specifically. 

Q: I don't have time for complex routines. Is this practical?

 That's exactly why I created this system. Most of the setup is "set it and forget it" - once you implement the core strategies (which take about 30-60 minutes), they work automatically, night after night. No endless routines or time-consuming protocols.

Q: What if it doesn't work for me? 

While I'm confident this will transform your sleep (just like it has for hundreds of other insomniacs), you're protected by our 60-Day “Sleeping Black Belt” Guarantee. If you're not sleeping better than you have in years, simply email us for a complete refund, no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Biohacker's Playbook To Beat Insomnia

Q: When do I get access to everything?

 The moment you complete your order, you'll get instant access to the complete Biohacker's Playbook and all three powerful bonuses sent into your inbox.

Q: How quickly will this work for me? 

Many people start sleeping better the first few nights after implementing the basic protocols. But the real magic happens as you build the complete sleep system. Most people experience dramatic improvements within the first week, with sleep getting consistently better over the next 30 days as their brain's sleep switch (SCN) fully resets.

With that being said, this protocol is NOT a substitute for medical advice.

Q: How is this different from other sleep solutions? 

While most solutions try to force sleep with rigid routines or supplements, The Biohacker's Playbook works with your brain's natural sleep mechanism. Instead of fighting your biology, you'll be working with it. No more trying to knock yourself out - just natural, effortless sleep the way your body was designed to do it.

Q: I've tried everything else. Why would this work?

Unlike temporary fixes that just mask the problem, this system targets the root cause of insomnia: your disrupted sleep switch (SCN). We're not trying to sedate you - we're resetting your brain's natural ability to sleep. If you can follow simple instructions, this system will work for you.

Q: I have sleep apnea. Will this work for me?

This protocol is designed to tackle the root cause of insomnia, the SCN, so it works for all kinds of people with all types of conditions. 

With that being said, this protocol is NOT designed to treat sleep apnea specifically. 

Q: I don't have time for complex routines. Is this practical?

 That's exactly why I created this system. Most of the setup is "set it and forget it" - once you implement the core strategies (which take about 30-60 minutes), they work automatically, night after night. No endless routines or time-consuming protocols.

Q: What if it doesn't work for me? 

While I'm confident this will transform your sleep (just like it has for hundreds of other insomniacs), you're protected by our 60-Day “Sleeping Black Belt” Guarantee. If you're not sleeping better than you have in years, simply email us for a complete refund, no questions asked.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page reflect the personal experiences of users of Oneira products and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA, and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval, or review of this product or any claim, statement, or opinion used in promotion of this product.

Oneira © All Rights Reserved 2025.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page reflect the personal experiences of users of Oneira products and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA, and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval, or review of this product or any claim, statement, or opinion used in promotion of this product.

Oneira © All Rights Reserved 2025.